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Where is Precinct 144?
Precinct 144 is bordered by FM 544 to the north, South McCreary Rd to the east, Murphy Rd to the west, and down to the southern city limits and a small portion of Sachse. Check your current voter registration card to verify you're in Precinct 144,
Offer to walk your block.
Have you ever attended a neighborhood block party? Do you enjoy meeting your neighbors? Block walking is simple and takes one person one short hour, maybe two (depending on how well you want to get to know your neighbors). You know your neighbors better than I do. Please contact me with your availability. I can give you a list of known registered voters on your street and voting brochures to handout. I will really appreciate your help to get out the vote! / 972-633-9345 / 316 Heatherbrook Drive
Chairman, Collin County Republican Precint#144
We have a mission:
Increase Voter Participation which increases candidate representation. Giving voters the tools to select the candidates that align most closely with their principles, without relying on deep pocketed lobbyists running TV and newspaper ads, increases the accountability from those we elect.
Decrease Voter Apathy or a “lack of concern, enthusiasm or interest”. Voters decide that they really don’t care who wins or loses, and this translates into very low voter turnout. If given the information to make an invested decision, voters become engaged.